Map of Middle-earth two-card panel by Gonzalez41 views

From Barad-dûr to Mt Doom by Mangue: artist return sketch49 views

Gollum by Kyle17 views

Hobbiton by Potratz and Hai14 views

Gandalf arriving at Bag End by Potratz and Hai34 views

Bilbo and Gandalf enjoy a pipe looking at party preparations two-card panel by Potratz and Hai38 views

Nazgûl leaving Minas Morgul by Potratz and Hai13 views

Minas Tirith by Weaver13 views

Hobbits at Bree by Potratz and Hai15 views

Prancing Pony sign by Hardy7 views

Aragorn leads the hobbits through marshes by Potratz and Hai12 views

Aragorn at Weathertop by Gonzalez11 views

Frodo at Rivendell, two-card panel, by Wilkinson; after-market sketches27 views

Gilraen's statue with the shards of Narsil by Huang11 views

Fellowship leaving Rivendell by Bellinger25 views

Frodo falls over on Mt Caradhras by Potratz and Hai15 views

Fellowship reaches western gate of Moria by Potratz and Hai12 views

The Fellowship in halls of Khazad-dum by Simeti9 views

The fellowship flees down the Moria steps from the Balrog by Woodside: after-market sketch18 views

The Fellowship enter Lothlorien by DeLiz: artist return sketch20 views

The Argonaths, two-card panel, by Graham4 views

One Argonath by Henderson2 views

Frodo and Boromir at Amon Hen two-card panel by Potratz and Hai13 views

Boromir's funeral boat plunges over the Falls of Rauros by Bellinger15 views

Fires of Isengard forges by Perna7 views

Burning of the Westfold by Woodside: after-market sketch7 views

Éomer, Éowyn and Théoden in the Golden Hall by Potratz and Hai11 views

Aragorn, Legolas and Gimli riding up to staked Uruk Hai by Propst6 views

Merry and Pippin in Fangorn by Potratz and Hai6 views

Edoras by Alcorn-Hender14 views

Simbelmynë in front of Théodred's tomb by Ecklund6 views

Mumakil and Haradrim by Woodside: after-market sketch16 views

Elves leaving Rivendell, two-card panel, by Potratz and Hai21 views

Deathbed of Elessar, grieving Arwen by Billingham8 views

Helms Deep by Mangue5 views

Saruman army besieging Helms Deep by DeLiz19 views

From Mt Doom to Barad-dûr by Hamill16 views

Pippin's image of the White Tree by Potratz and Hai6 views

Gandalf riding Shadowfax to Minas Tirith by Woodside: artist return sketch15 views

Minas Tirith seventh tier by Henderson4 views

From Barad-dûr to Mt Doom by Alcorn-Hender28 views

Sauron's army leaves Minas Morgul, two-card panel, by Mangue19 views

Gondor/Rohan beacons alight two-card panel by Potratz and Hai7 views

Dark Doorway by Potratz and Hai2 views

Aragorn, Legolas and Gimli in the Hall of the Dead by Potratz and Hai4 views

Corsair ship by Perna2 views

Frodo and Shelob by Perna4 views

The Tower of Cirith Ungol, Mordor, by McHaley7 views

Eye of Sauron, three-card panel, by Graham17 views

Faramir and Éowyn by Potratz and Hai1 view

Army of Men at the Black Gate by Potratz and Hai4 views

Frodo and Sam in Mt Doom by Woodside: artist return sketch8 views

Temporary (low res) image: Barad-dûr by Bellinger10 views

'You bow to no one' moment, Minas Tirith, by Bellinger: artist return sketch21 views

Grey Havens by Mangue21 views

Sam at Hobbiton by Weaver5 views